The 2023 Guide to SSL Certificate for website


Having an SSL Certificate for website has become a mandate after Google’s update.

The reason? Security.

Your customers love shopping with brands that they can trust. And, SSL certificates help you do so.

But, not having an SSL certificate for website results in a daunting ‘Not Secure’ sign which ruins all the trust you build, completely.

So, allow this guide to help you find the right SSL certificate for website.

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Before we begin, I recommend reading our comprehensive guide on the benefits of an SSL certificate.

What is an SSL certificate?

SSL is an encryption technique that creates a scrambled connection between a web server and an internet browser. Moreover, an SSL certificate authenticates a web site’s identity and enables encrypted connections.

In the address bar, if you see a padlock icon, that means SSL protects the website you are visiting.

How does an SSL certificate work?

How Does SSL Work

A TLS handshake establishes a connection when two parties exchange the public key. After the TLS handshake, the two parties generate session keys, which encrypt and decrypt all communications between them.

Using different session keys for each new session encrypts and decrypts communications. Additionally, by using TLS, you can verify that a server or a website you are interacting with is who they claim to be. And, a message authentication code (MAC) with the TLS ensures that no data went under alteration.

Through TLS, both HTTP data that users send to websites (e.g., clicking on links, filling out forms, etc.) and HTTP data that websites send to users is encrypted. The recipient must decrypt encrypted data using a key.

Which type of SSL certificate do I need for my website?

SSL certificates range as per your needs and usage. Explore all the types of SSL Certificate for website to help you get your perfect fit!

1) Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate

An Extended Validation SSL Certificate (otherwise called EV SSL) is the most elevated type of SSL Certificate available.

Though all levels of SSL – EV SSL provides encryption and info, they differ in the level of identity verification.

List of EV SSL Certificate for website:

 Brand SSL Certificate Discount
Sectigo PositiveSSL EV Up to 40% Buy Now
Sectigo EV SSL Up to 71% Buy Now

What makes an EV SSL unique?

EV SSL takes an extra step to display how safe your website is. So, when your customers click the padlock on an EV SSL, they can view the name of your organization.

This gives your website an extra edge and the ‘Safe to use’ tag.

Here’s an example:

EV SSL certificate

Benefits of an EV SSL:

Despite increasing awareness, phishing, or imposter websites, remain a major threat to legitimate websites and online services. In fact, consumers must be able to confirm the identity of the business they are dealing with. To combat this issue, EV SSL displays the website operator’s verified identity prominently.

2) Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificate

By authenticating the identity and legitimacy of the business, Organization Validation (OV) SSL certificates provide an extra level of online trust. Additionally, businesses must prove that they are legal and they own the domain name they wish to register.

By providing this additional level of assurance, OV SSL certificates are an excellent choice for companies and organizations with public-facing websites, as well as for sites requesting money or information from users, such as e-commerce sites. SSL options include single domain, multidomain, and wildcard.

List of OV SSL certificate for website:

 Brand SSL Certificate Discount
Sectigo InstantSSL (OV) Up to 73% Buy Now
Sectigo InstantSSL Pro Up to 83% Buy Now

Benefits of OV SSL Certificate:

  • As an enhancement to the DV certificate, an organization validation (OV) certificate verifies the identity of the holder before the certificate can be issued by the issuing CA.
  • By using OV certificates, your company name will appear on the certificates as well as a particular department or individual will be assigned to them.
  • Depending on the brand you choose, you can get higher warranties and dynamic site seals, preventing any damages that might occur in the event of a bad SSL certificate.

3) Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificate

Domain Validation (DV) SSL certificates are one of the fastest and the most pocket-friendly SSL certificates. But, if you’re a business website storing sensitive customer info, do not go for them!

Besides, DV SSL certificates get their ‘Fast’ tag as they are issued within minutes. They require fewer documents compared to an OV or EV SSL. Also, they go through a lenient validation process.

List of DV SSL certificate for website:

 Brand SSL Certificate Discount
Sectigo PositiveSSL Up to 64% Buy Now
RapidSSL RapidSSL Up to 71% Buy Now

Benefits of a DV SSL:

  • Minimal verification process.
  • Pocket-friendly.
  • Issues within minutes.
  • Validates control of your domain.
  • Enables the HTTPS protocol and the padlock icon.

4) Wildcard SSL Certificate

Wildcard SSL can secure an unlimited number of subdomains using a single certificate. Any company or individual who manages multiple sites and pages under one domain will find this a valuable tool.

In addition to the one-time certificate cost, you will also want to consider adding additional subdomains in the future.

Wildcard SSL Certificates are not for specific domains. But the asterisk in *, indicates they are relevant to all possible subdomains within your domain.

Wildcard certificates are available for Domain Validated (DV) and Organization Validated (OV) certificates.

List of  Wildcard SSL certificate for website:

 Brand SSL Certificate Discount
Sectigo InstantSSL Premium Wildcard Up to 91% Buy Now
Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard (DV) Up to 79% Buy Now

Read More: The benefits of Wildcard SSL Certificate.

5) Multi-Domain SSL Certificate

A Multi-Domain SSL certificate can secure more than one domain name, including subdomains of the main domain name or separate domain names. It can also be called a UCC SSL (Unified Communications Certificate) or a SAN SSL (Subject Alternative Names).

Using one of these, you can secure 250 unique domains with one solution. Those who own numerous domain names and want to simplify their security options by purchasing a single certificate rather than purchasing individual certificates for each domain or host provide a convenient option.

SSL certificates for multi-domains are available in three formats: Domain Validation (DV), Organization Validation (OV), and Extended Validation (EV).

List of  Multi-Domain SSL certificate for website:

 Brand SSL Certificate Discount
Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain (DV) Up to 85% Buy Now
Sectigo DV UCC Up to 69% Buy Now

How does a website get an SSL certificate?

Get your SSL Certificate for website from a certificate authority and install it on the website’s web server. Eventually, a hosting company will handle this process.

For validation, prove the ownership of your website to a certificate authority. Certification authorities maintain copies of the certificates they issue.

But which SSL Certificate authority is the best to choose from in 2023?

The Most Popular SSL Certificate Authorities in 2023

1) DigiCert SSL Certificate:

DigiCert is a leading brand in cybersecurity. Moreover, with its acquisition of Symantec’s security business in 2017, DigiCert added a great deal of value to the website security space to provide DigiCert SSL certificates with additional features, providing a complete website security solution.

The company also owns various SSL and code signing certification brands, such as Thawte, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL. DigiCert SSL provides comprehensive website security for enterprise customers looking for more than just SSL.

2) Sectigo SSL Certificate:

Over 100+ million digital certificates have been issued by Sectigo in 150 countries, making it the largest commercial CA in the world. In addition to this, the company offers different levels of validation, warranties, and features for its SSL certificates. In order for a digital transaction to be secure and reliable, Sectigo was built on the foundation of trust.

From small to large online businesses, Sectigo offers a wide array of products. At affordable prices, it offers a variety of SSL certificate for website, including Extended validated, Organization validated, and Domain validated certificates. Website security is easiest and most cost-effective with Sectigo SSL Certificates.

3) GeoTrust SSL Certificate:

As the world’s second-largest PKI certificate provider, GeoTrust® is a leading global player in this market. In 150+ countries, more than 300,000 customers trust GeoTrust to ensure the safety of online transactions and conduct business.

With Geotrust, digital transactions can be transacted safely and effectively across any type or size of the organization.

Additionally, it offers quick delivery at an affordable price and provides up to 256-bit encryption, as well as an extensive collection of anti-malware scanning and site seals with authentication.

4) RapidSSL Certificate:

RapidSSL provides secure sockets layer encryption for securing websites quickly. More than 99% of all web browsers trust its SSL certificate. As its name suggests, Rapid SSL offers very affordable single domain and wildcard certificates with only basic domain validation. RapidSSL certificates are available on along with unsurpassed customer service and fanatical technical support.

5) Thawte SSL Certificate:

The first Certificate Authority to issue certificates outside the U.S., Thawte was a pioneer in the SSL certificate market. Thawte was formed in 1995. Since then, it has earned over 40% market share and issued over one million SSL and code signing certificates to protect identities and online transactions in 240+ countries.


As you’ve learned in this article, there are a ton of variables to consider when choosing an SSL certificate.

We hope that our guide helped you choose the best SSL Certificate for website.

If you’re still not sure which certificate is right for you, feel free to reach out to us or use the SSL wizard below!

Happy to help!

People Also Ask:

Which SSL certificate is best for an eCommerce website?

Since eCommerce websites need to establish trust with their online customers, they must display sheer security. So, in this case, Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates become the best for eCommerce stores.

This is also because EV SSL certificates need a strict verification procedure thus validating the website. Needless to say, with an active padlock and https protocols, EV SSLs make your eCommerce website spoof-free.

Read More: SSL certificate for E-commerce portal

Do I need an SSL Certificate for website?

Absolutely, you need an SSL for your website. Not only because you’ll be asking for your customer’s sensitive info but also because it’s a mandate by google. HTTPS websites are now considered more secure and the internet norm. While websites without an SSL certificate will be displayed as ‘not secure’.

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