Posts Under Website Security Category

Things you should not be doing on your mobile phone!

Yes, getting a Wifi connection is important for all of us but if not used properly then it could be a source of stealing all your important data. Here is my guide to protect yourself from these thefts via mobile phone. In today’s world, about 2.1 billion people are using smartphones.... [more]

What are SSL and SSH Protocols?

SSL and SSH are both cryptographic protocols that form the supporting pillars for web security. As a well-known fact that sensitive information whenever shared through a network is liable of a hack. Implementation of these protocols provides a secure gateway for sharing of information through the Internet. This is done... [more]

Buy SSL Certificate to overcome Online Security Threats

Protecting Your Website from Hackers The Internet's viable resource for a number of applications, be it online shopping, business/bank transactions, exchange confidential data or defense and security used for. The extensive use of the Internet for such sensitive data makes the website and network security one of the most primary concerns. Cybercriminals... [more]

Secure Website with SSL Certificate

We know your concerns about your website! You had a dream about your startup & obviously, you created your own website with lots of graphics, colorful animations, a variety of services for customers, superb customer support but ignored the security (ssl certificate) of your website which exposed your website & hence... [more]

rapid ssl certificate