Buying Cheap SSL Certificate may Cost You More!

Cheap SSL

The best part of buying a Secure Sockets Layer i.e SSL certificate for your website is that it ensures encryption of the data that is being transmitted from the web client to the server. This protects your data from attacks and more important it acts as a strong deterrent to phishing. Your website can be cloned; however it is very difficult to clone and be a HTTPS website. Well, many organizations believed this and still do. As a matter of fact many hackers have managed to clone a website and buy themselves cheap SSL certificate for multiple domains. How did they manage to do that? Simple, clone a website and follow the procedures any other website will follow to get itself SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).

This is a consequence of the movement that is making SSL validations easy and free. Whatever is cheap and easily available becomes vulnerable to abuse and the same logic applies to with cheap SSL certificate. Many CA that offer SSL validations for cheap (or free) do not check the intent of the website use or if it is a clone of an existing one. They only ensure that encryption are in place and if the website is able to protect the data flow. In a majority of cases, the CA reluctantly checks with the SafeBrowsing service to see if the target domain has already been blocked as malicious, they do not check if the domain has a close resemblance to an already existing website that is collecting data for users. Paypal, Apple, Amazon, American Express, Chase Bank, Microsoft, Google, and many other major brands have had hard times protecting themselves from phishing attacks even after having the best security and SSL certificates.

Customers often trust their browsers to indicate the legitimacy of the website. Internet browsers too don’t actively check for certificate revocation, so even if a CA were to revoke a certificate, the browser wouldn’t even notice – or may be some will and others won’t. The community believes that browsers often overpromise the safety of sites by using terms like “Secure” in the UI—while the browser can know whether a given HTTPS connection is present and free of errors, it has no knowledge of the security of the destination site or CDN, nor its business practices.  Thus seeing a padlock icon does not necessarily mean the website will protect consumer data.

The responsibility of protecting consumer data rests entirely with a website that collects user information. To maintain consumer trust, the website should get its SSL certificate from a diligent CA that puts a price on its validations. The best way to protect your domain from phishing attack is to keep an eye for replicas, keep changing the user interphase and regularly communicate about the change to the CA and customers. Another important step is to educate the customer that a lock icon or a “secure” tag by the browser does not necessarily mean that the site is authentic. The customers need to watch the address bar for the right URL – any deviation may mean the site is compromised and such instances should be reported to the organization instantly. This will make the customer a part of your safety net and increase their participation in keeping the website secure.

Many websites offers Cheap SSL Certificate from not so diligent CA who in-turn do not follow strict guidelines in terms of verifying your business identity and the consequences can adversely affect your business as well as customers. In fact you should always look for a SSL Certificate from a legitimate CA or industry leading CA like Best SSL Brands

You can visit for list of industry leading SSL CA which offers Cheap SSL Certificates with quick and easy installation services for free.

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