Importing Certificates in Radware Appdirector

Apr 20, 2023
The steps outlined below will assist you in installing an SSL certificate on a Radware Appdirector server. If you have not yet generated your certificate and finished the validation process, refer to our CSR Generation Instructions before proceeding with the instructions below.

Installation Instructions for Importing certificate via Web management (DefensePro 6.x and 7.x, AppDirector and LinkProof)

  1. Login into device GUI. Only HTTPS access is allowed for this operation.
  2. Go to Security > Certificate > Import
  3. Import the relevant Key and the Certificate. The name of both files must be same.
  4. While importing the key, it is required to input the passphrase.

  1. You can view the Imported Certificate into the certificate table (Security > Certificate > Table).

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